Writing Exciting Problems

The CS@Mines High School Programming Competition is a competition for high school students to write programs that solve problems. We model our programming competition off well-known college-level competitions such as the ACM ICPC, but bring an inviting set of problems to the table suitable for high school students.

Mines students are encouraged join our problem writing process. In the past, we have had many authors from ACM, DECtech, and the CS@Mines department, as well as help from alumni. All of our problems are reviewed by CS@Mines professors.

See the sections below to get involved! Problems are due December 31st, 2022.

The Problem Process

An outline of the problem process can be seen below. Once you join our GitHub organization, a full contribution guide is available. The bulk of the problem-making processes lies in making a well-defined problem and writing a solution and test cases for it.

Anyone can write and review problems! In the past, we have typically always needed extra reviewers. Along with writing your own problem, you can help us by writing solutions to other problems to ensure the best quality problems.

Get In Touch

We use GitHub to store and collaborate on all of the problem code for HSPC. Due to the nature of the competition, this repository is private.

Please join our Discord server and email erichards@mines.edu to get involved in the problem writing process and to get access to the codebase. Problem writers are also encouraged to volunteer the day of the competition.